Photo Credit: @billieblue_

Writing Circles

 Join our monthly online Writing Circle.  

Writing experience is not necessary. Using a collection of exercises and meditations to delve into our heart and explore our inner world. These circles have been deeply transformational, freeing and healing.

ONLY 10 SPACES AVAILABLE- small intimate groups- Book early! Monday nights online at 7.30pm. $195 for the month.




“Sophia’s writing circles are nothing short of life-changing! That seems like a big statement, but it’s true. Taking the time to HEAR your own heart and soul speak is powerful enough, but then sharing that with other women is truly next level. There seems to be no experience that is ours alone. When we share in these circles, you feel seen, known, validated, loved and even celebrated. Loneliness dissolves. Hope emerges. These connections create a shift in the way you view your (not so unique) experiences and literally, how you the approach yourself and your life the next day. Life-changing, indeed. Thank you Sophia for starting this, and for the way you hold that sacred space of sharing, even within the most brutal concepts of grief and loss.” -Annericke