Sophia is a Mother, a Writer, a Childbirth Educator and an experienced Birth Doula. Having attended between 2 and 3 hundred births and a part of thousands of pregnancies, Sophia has dedicated 17 years to guiding women back to their own inner compass.

Sophia explore life's intense themes unconventionally — grief, death, fear, love — she encourages full, unbridled expression. Her workshops empower deep self connection to unearth and release authenticity.  

Sophia embraces the raw, the real, and the profoundly beautiful journey of life.

He Wahine, He whenua, E ora ai te iwi

 By Woman and land, people are sustained.

Sophia Paskell

 instagram: @mothers_circle


Sophia invites women to descend deeply within themselves and stands witness to their descent. Sophia is present as a pillar yet in service to moving with the waves navigated throughout labour and life.
— NIkki R